Products are the supplies you Order from your Vendors. They are created by filling in basic product information and we record information and history about the products as they are used within the application. They can be accessed and managed from most pages, where they are displayed, by clicking on the Product, assuming you have permission to Edit Practice Products or Edit Corporate Products.
The Product page is broken into 6 different tabs or pages:
- Profile
- Basic product information from the product Name & Price to assigned Re-Order options or Locations.
- Transactions
- Displays things like Creation Date, the "Last" Ordered Date & Qty., and Last Received Date.
- Order History
- Displays things like Order Number, Order Date, Status, Qty and Price
- Shows product order history for last 3 years
- You can access the order via the go to order button
- Audit
- Record of all activity pertaining to the product.
- Comments
- If there are any comments that need to be made specific to the product
- Vendors & Specifications
- Some Products are sold by multiple Vendors and this is where you can set the preferred Vendor for your office for this Product. Or if you are at the Corporate level then this will setup the preferred Vendor for all practices for this Product.
- When Selecting the Preferred Vendor on this product will change the way that the product is named, the descriptions and specifications and the product imagae will all be shown the same way that this product would appear on the Vendors website.
Profile Tab
The product profile has 6 sections of information:
1. Main profile fields:
- Name - Required
- This is the main product description or name displayed everywhere in the application
- Full Description
- If populated this is a longer version of the Name which probably includes more detail, often not needed when ordering.
- Image Address
- We use an image address to display the image or picture of the product.
- If not already populated, go to the Vendor website and right click on the image of the product and choose Copy Image Address, then paste it into this field.
- If not already populated, paste in the link for the product's Safety Data Sheet in this field.
- There should be a SDS link on the product you can click to open the SDS document in a new browser tab.
- Alias
- What you or your staff might call a product, or a more familiar Name everyone knows the product by.
- Vendor - Required
- The one displayed in this field will be set as the Current Vendor or who you last purchased the product from.
- Click in this field to bring up the list of all possible Product Vendors who you buy the product from.
- In the window that opens you can Change the Current Vendor by selecting the round button on the left of the vendor you want.
- This can also be done while the product is in a Cart, before you create Orders (which are vendor specific).
- You can also Edit the Vendor SKU and Price fields for any vendor on this page.
- Vendor Sku - Required
- The one displayed is associated with the Current Vendor, which is also showing in the field above.
- Click in this field to view all Vendors and to Edit the Vendor SKU's if necessary, even for the vendor's who are not the current vendor.
- Price
- This is the current price or the last entered price of the product for the selected Current Vendor.
- Click in this field to see all Prices for every Vendor and to Edit them if needed.
- Package Size
- Defaulted to EA, not required or needed for anything in Clixon, but can be changed if needed from drop down list of options.
- Package Qty.
- Defaulted to 1 - as in every time you Order a product you are ordering it as it is sold, i.e. 1 = 1 pack or 10 or 1 = 1 or EA.
- Price Each
- Simply a reference to the Price x Package Qty., which will always be 1.
- Category - Required
- Used to classify and group Products, which has many benefits from filtering when ordering to reporting.
- Once selected all associated Sub Categories will be available in the Sub Category field drop down menu.
- Sub Categories are not required but add a very beneficial second level of grouping for products which is great for Reporting.
- Categories also have editable Allocation Defaults, which are very nice when Creating or Adding new products, as they pre-populate all of the fields in the 'Allocations' section of the Product Profile.
- Sub Category
- A second level of classifying and grouping products, which is very useful for filtering when ordering and reporting.
- The drop down list will auto-populate once you select a Category.
- Manufacturer
- Identifies who Produces, Makes, or Manufactures the Product.
- Not required but very useful for reporting and when trying to add or associate multiple vendors who sell the same product.
- Manufacturer Sku
- The product or item number used by the Manufacturer.
- This can be the same as the Vendor SKU if you are buying directly from the Manufacturer.
- Count Cycle
- An option allowing you to set the desired cycle or interval you wish the Product to be Counted for Inventory purposes...i.e Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually, etc...
- The selected Count Cycle is like a "tag", allowing you to Filter to the Cycle you need to count on the Inventory Count page.
- Units Per Container
- Used for Inventory Control and Re-Ordering options.
- Defaulted to 1, but this can be changed to equal the Quantity or Number of Units in one container or package you purchase.
- When managing Inventory, leave this set at "1" unless you leave the container or package in the supply area and take out individual units.
- If you do take out individual units, when you need a product, instead of the entire package from the supply area, then:
- You would set the Units Per Container equal to the Quantity or Number of Units in one Container or Package.
- This means when someone Requests and/or Issues the product from stock it is by the Unit not the entire package.
- Also, when doing Inventory Counts, they need to understand they are counting each Unit in a package not just 1 package.
Example: If units per container is set at 10 (because there are 10 units in the package) and someone Requests or Counts 5, they are not talking about 5 packages or containers, but only 5 Units from one package.
- However, when Ordering, you would not enter an order Qty. of 10 if you want 1 package of 10, the system knows you want 1 package, so the order Qty. would just be 1.
- Price Each
- Price Each is the Price of the product divided by the Units Per Container.
- This is the value, or price, used when Issuing products from stock and when taking an Inv. Count - both of which are recorded in most Inventory Control Reports - (Issued Products, On Hand, and Inventory Count Audit).
- Units On Hand
- The Quantity or amount of each product that you have in stock or On Hand.
- Units Per Container again factor into this value
- Formulary
- Mark any products you would like as 'Formulary' and it will show as such on the Product throughout the Ordering process.
- Helps you identify products you really want your staff to Order - usually because of a negotiated price or Dr. preference.
- Non-Inventory
- Setting this will make it so that the product does not go into your inventory count or reports.
- This tool is useful if you are maintaining you inventory levels and have products that are not kept in inventory but are needed at intermittent intervals or as needed.
- Requires Approval to Order
- Setting this will cause this product to Require Approval every time this product is added to a cart, unless your User Permissions allows you to order Products without needing Approval
- Substitue
- From the Corporate Catalog you are able to setup alternative or substitute products that are acceptable in the event that the product that you are ordering is in a back order status for availability.
- This setting currently only works with Integrated Vendors
- This process is manually setup for the products that you have set as acceptable replacements
- Resale Product
- If you have entered a Resale Acct# in the Resale Alternate Shipping Address
3. Allocations
Remember: Allocations are automatically set when you Create or Add new products to your Catalog, as long as you have your Allocation Defaults set for each Category.
- You can change the Allocation fields for each individual product or with the Mass Update option for multiple products from the Corporate or My Catalog page(s), if they need to differ from your Category driven Allocation Defaults.
- Ledger
- Ledger Accounts in Clixon correlate with the Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks, for example, and would be considered the Macro expense allocation for all purchases.
- Cost Center
- Cost Centers in Clixon correlate with Classes in QuickBooks and would be considered the Micro expense allocation for all purchases.
- Budget
- Choose which of your Budgets the product will count against when Ordered.
- Issue Department
- Issue Departments are a great way to record and identify where and/or who uses the products in your Inventory within your business.
- Reporting Group
- Reporting Groups are an additional way to tag or group products allowing you to customize the way you report on the purchases within your business.
4. Locations
Locations are used to group and identify your products based on where they are stored in your office. This can be very useful when Re-Ordering or when managing Inventory, i.e. when Requesting products or taking an Inventory Count. The ability to Filter products by Location can really speed up and make any job more efficient.
- Room
- Cabinet
- Shelf
- Bin
- Aisle
- Count Frequency
- Allows you to identify the frequency you would like for a Product to be Counted - (typically for Re-Ordering purposes or Inventory Count Audit records).
5. ReOrder Options
ReOrder options are a way to have the system help you know when and how many of each product to order, but this only works if you first establish a ReOrder Method, take/enter an Initial Count for On Hand Qty.'s, and either record (Issue Products) when you use products or take additional Inventory Counts before you plan to place orders.
- Method - the first step is to choose a ReOrder Method
- Choose from the 5 different ReOrder methods in the list (including None)
- Only one ReOrder Method can be used per product.
- When the assigned ReOrder option is triggered, the product will be added to the Recommended page for Ordering (recommended for reorder).
- None
- This means there is No reorder method assigned.
- Min/Max
- 2 fields will appear after choosing Min/Max - Minimum Unit Qty. and Maximum Unit Qty.
- Minimum Unit Qty. is the on hand value (or threshold) at which you would like to be notified to ReOrder the product.
- When the Units On Hand Qty. drops equal to or below the Min. Unit Qty. that you specify - the system will automatically Add the product to the Recommend (for reorder) list.
- Maximum Unit Qty. is the maximum number of Units or Containers you want to have in stock or On Hand for the product.
- The Maximum Unit Qty. will tell the system how much to Recommend for ReOrder.
- This is done by subtracting the Units On Hand Qty. from the Maximum Unit Quantity - this gives you the Recommended Order Qty.
Example: If you have 2 On Hand and the Maximum Unit Qty. is 10, the Recommended page will recommend you Order a Qty. of 8.
- Target
- After selecting the Target reorder method, enter the Target Qty. for the product.
- The Target Qty. is the desired (or maximum) quantity of the product that you want to have In Stock/On Hand.
- Once the Units On Hand Qty. falls below the Target Qty., even by 1 unit, the product will appear on the Recommend list.
- Target Qty. is great for Consignment products such as denture teeth or for products where you want to remind the staff, when Ordering, what the optimal order amount should be.
- Non Stock
- Use this reorder method if you only want the system to Recommend the product to be Re-Ordered when their have been More Units Requested than you have On Hand.
- This Re-Order method is for products that are not of urgent need and that you do not want to keep an Inventory stock of.
- Consignment
- When 'activated or toggled on' this indicates that the product is a Consignment product and allow you to filter to see only Consignment products on the Recommended page.
- Once toggled 'On' you will see that the ReOrder Method 'Target' is set and you will need to also enter the Target Qty.
- Once your On Hand Qty. is less than the Target Qty. the product will show on the Recommended page.
6. Tracking Options
Tracking the associated Lot #'s, Serial #'s, and Expiration Dates is essential for some of the products your use within your business. Select which ones you would like to track for each product and the system will remind you to record this information whenever you Receive an Order, and it will ask you to select the 'instances', or tracked instances, associated with the product you take from Inventory or Stock.
- Lot Number
- Lot numbers are identification numbers assigned to a particular quantity or lot of material or products.
- Once you select this option, they system will remind you to record them whenever you Receive an Order containing the product.
- Serial Number
- A serial number is a unique identifier assigned incrementally or sequentially to a product, to uniquely identify it.
- Once you select this option, they system will remind you to record them whenever you Receive an Order containing the product.
- Expiration Date
- An expiration date is the date, determined by law or operation, at which the products should no longer be used.
- Once you select this option, they system will remind you to record them whenever you Receive an Order containing the product.
Note: You want to be sure to Request/Issue these products from Stock whenever you use them in your business.
- There is a Tracking Log on each product which will show every Lot #, Serial #, or Expiration Date associated with said product.
- There is also a Tracked Products report where you will find every product and every associated Tracking Instance(s) that were ever Issued/Used within your business.
Transactions Tab
This tab (or page) gives you a quick overview of information such as the Last time anything was done in terms of a transaction like the Last Order Date and Qty., Last Received Date, Last Issued Date, the Create Date of the product and current Units On Hand, Unit Price, and On Hand Value.
Here are the other important fields to note:
- Create Date - when the product was added to your Catalog in Clixon.
- Product ID - our database ID # for the product - useful if trouble shooting is ever required.
- Modified By - the last date and User who made a modification or change to the product profile.
- Previous ID - see below
The Previous ID field is for clients who are transitioning over from a different application, and would like to be able to search by the old product ID. They can populate this field (or include them with the product data/history they give us during the Clixon setup process)
Order History Tab
All of your companies past orders can be found here, viewed, and you can 'Re-Order' products from this page.
- Displays things like Order Number, Order Date, Status, Qty and Price
- Shows product order history for last 3 years
- You can access the order via the go to order button
Audit Tab
The audit tab is a complete record of everything that has ever happened, and who was involved, to the product from the Create Date to who last updated the Description or added an Alias to the product.
Note: The Tracked Products report will allow you to filter and search through All tracked instances for All products you have every used or Issued from stock with an associated tracked instance like Lot#, Serial# or Expiration Date.
- If there are any comments that need to be made specific to the product
Vendors & Specifications
- Some Products are sold by multiple Vendors and this is where you can set the preferred Vendor for your office for this Product. Or if you are at the Corporate level then this will setup the preferred Vendor for all practices for this Product.
- When Selecting the Preferred Vendor on this product will change the way that the product is named, the descriptions and specifications and the product imagae will all be shown the same way that this product would appear on the Vendors website.
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