Receiving Orders

Receiving Orders

Receiving Orders

As packages arrive from your Vendors you will want to mark them as Received in Clixon.

  • Begin by locating the corresponding Orders found on the Orders - Receive page.
  • Click on the Order you need to open it and to view all the products on the Order.
  • You will see a big green Receive All button to the right of a Qty. field which also has the Outstanding Qty. below in red font, and the actual Order Qty. to the left in blue font.

There are 3 options for Receiving each Product on this page, and the Vendor Invoice is critical as a reference:

  1. Click the green Receive All button to Fully Received a Product if the Quantity received matched what you originally Ordered.

  2. Do nothing if you did not receive any quantity of an ordered product - this will leave the Outstanding Qty. as it is.

  3. Partially Receive a Product by Entering or Using the + / - buttons to indicate how many you did receive for a single Product.
    1. For example, you might have Ordered 6 but only 3 were Delivered, so you would enter and it will be Partially Received.

When done you will click the Mark Ready to Reconcile button in the top right of the page.

  • This will move the Order (and Received products) to the status of Reconcile/Close or Reconcile/Export if you export your Orders to an Accounting application.

Once you click the Mark Ready to Receive button, any products that were Not Received or Partially Received will be added to a Back Order.
  1. For example: If the Order is Order# 10, then the Back Order will be Order# 10-1
  2. If any products on a Back Order continue to be Outstanding, but the other products arrive just leave the products as Outstanding and Mark the Back Order Ready to Reconcile.
  3. This will create Order# 10-2 with the remaining Outstanding products.
As was briefly mentioned, please remember to Receive the Products based on the Vendor's Invoice.
  1. If any Products do not arrive initially but are listed on the Vendor Invoice with all of the other products you will want to wait for it to arrive before you click the Mark Ready to Reconcile button.

How to Remove an Item from an Order

To remove an Item from an order while on the Order - Receive page:
  1. You will leave the Item Un-Received.
  2. Receive all of the products you received at that time, typically by Invoice, and click the Mark Ready to Reconcile button.
    1. Keep in mind you will need to Receive the Original order and any Back Orders until the item(s) you need to Cancel from the Order are isolated on the last Back Order.
  3. Once you have the item(s) you need to Cancel on their own Back Order (meaning all other items have been Received) you will be able to Delete that Order.
  4. From the Orders - Receive page simply locate the order you need to Delete and click the red trash can icon in the top right corner of the Order.

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