Ordering Process Overview

Ordering Process Overview

Starting an Order

Ordering starts by going to the My Catalog page found in the left menu (you can also choose Shop Now).
  1. From here you can search and filter through your Catalog and our Partner Catalogs (if Activated), and Add products to a Cart.
  2. A company (or office) can have multiple carts going and any User can add products to any Cart.
  3. Also, any Product from any Vendor can be added to a single Cart.
  4. Once the Create Orders or Approve Orders button is clicked, the system will break each cart into separate Orders by Vendor.
If your permissions require your Orders to be Approved, you will click the Request Approval button when you are ready to Order, this will notify management of your request and they will review, most likely Approve, and then Submit Orders to each Vendor.

You can also choose to Add products to a Cart using these other options (all found in your left menu):
  1. Order History
    1. All of your companies past orders can be found here, viewed, and you can 'Re-Order' products from this page.
  2. Order Forms
    1. These are created from the My Catalog page and are like shopping list or favorites.
    2. Utilize these for quick and easy ordering of the products you are always needing.
  3. Recommended
    1. This list of products is built based off of the ReOrder Options that you have assigned to any number of your products.
    2. Min/Max Qty., Target Qty., Order Cycle, or Non-Stock - visit the ReOrder Options article for additional information

Submitting Orders

When Orders are initially created they will be in a status of Orders - Not Submitted
  1. If you have permission to Submit Orders, go to Orders - Submit (found in the left menu)
    1. Or you can choose the Orders Not Submitted link from the Priority widget on your Dashboard.
  2. Click on any Order found on the Not Submitted page to open it and to see all of the Products on the Order.
You are now able to review, edit, or when ready, click the Order Products button to place the Order.

Remember to verify the Order Method, and if this is set to Email, make sure the correct Email Address is entered.
  1. If the Order Method says Phone or Website, please understand that the system will not be Sending the Order to a Vendor.
  2. Only the Email and Online Order Methods will actually Send the Order off to the Vendor.
  3. For non-Integrated Vendors Email is the only Order Method that will send the order off to the Vendor

Receiving Orders

As packages arrive from your Vendors you will want to mark them as Received in Clixon.
  1. Begin by locating the corresponding Orders found on the Orders - Received page.
  2. Click on the Order you need to open it and to view all of the products on the Order.
  3. You will see a big green Receive All button to the right of a Qty. field which also has the Outstanding Qty. below in red font, and the actual Order Qty. to the left in blue font.
There are 3 options for Receiving each Product on this page, and the Vendor Invoice is critical as a reference:
  1. Click the green Receive All button to Fully Received a Product if the Quantity received matched what you originally Ordered.
  2. Do nothing if you did not receive any quantity of an ordered product - this will leave the Outstanding Qty. as it is.
  3. Partially Receive a Product by Entering or Using the + / - buttons to indicate how many you did receive for a single Product.
    1. For example, you might have Ordered 6 but only 3 were Delivered, so you would enter 3 and it will be Partially Received.
When done you will click the Mark Ready to Reconcile button in the top right of the page.
  1. This will move the Order (and Received products) to the status of Reconcile/Close or Reconcile/Export if you export your Orders to an Accounting application.
Once you click the Mark Ready to Receive button, any products that were Not Received or Partially Received will be added to a Back Order.
  1. For example: If the Order is Order# 10, then the Back Order will be Order# 10-1
  2. If any products on a Back Order continue to be Outstanding, but the other products arrive just leave the products as Outstanding and Mark the Back Order Ready to Reconcile.
  3. This will create Order# 10-2 with the remaining Outstanding products.
As was briefly mentioned, please remember to Receive the Products based on the Vendor's Invoice.
  1. If any Products do not arrive initially but are listed on the Vendor Invoice with all of the other products you will want to wait for it to arrive before you click the Mark Ready to Reconcile button.

Reconcile/Close or Reconcile/Export Orders

Once you have Received an Order (using the vendor invoice) you will Reconcile the Order.
  1. To begin you will go to Orders - Reconcile or Reconcile/Export (if you export to an Accounting application).
  2. Select the Order, you wish to Reconcile to open it and have your Vendor Invoice in your hand.
  3. At the top of the page you will enter the Vendor Invoice information: Invoice #Invoice Date, Shipping, and Tax.
    1. You can also enter an Order Discount %, and if applicable choose the AP Ledger account your accounting software might use.
  4. Once you enter the Shipping and Tax (and apply any Discounts) the Total $ should match your Invoice Total.

If the order Total does not match the Invoice total:

  1. First, review the Unit Price for each Product to see if any are different on the Invoice compared to the Price displayed in Clixon.
    1. Click into the Price field for a given product and a window will open allowing you to enter and Save the updated Price.
    2. Updating the Unit Price of a product on the Order will update the Price for future purchases at your office and all other offices, if you are part of a group.
    3. If you do not agree with the Price you can reach out to the Vendor or your Sales Rep to request a Credit and possibly a Price change to your plan.
  2. Second, if the Unit Prices are all correct you might have a Product Discount that you need to apply.
    1. Again click into either the Discount % or Ext. Cost field for a given product.
    2. Then simply enter the Ext. Cost shown on the Invoice for that product...this will auto populate the correct Discount %, and click Save.
    3. By doing this you do not change the Unit Price, so your future purchases will still show the correct Price for each product.
Once your order Total matches the invoice total, you will click the green Reconcile/Close or Reconcile/Export button.
  1. If you do export to accounting software the Order will now be sent to the Export to Accounting page, found in your left menu.
  2. If not it will be in the Closed Orders page also in your left menu.
Remember you can use the Order History to also review your past orders and you can easily Re-Order from these old orders.

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