This report will give you excellent insight into your spend with the ability to understand what products are in and out of Formulary. If you are evaluating from a corporate level the adoption rate column gives you insight into what percent of practices within your group are buying each product. Utilizing this report gives you the ability to set products as formulary, inactivate where necessary all in real-time. Changes saved at a corporate level will cascade updates to all locations within your group.
Customize Options
Once you access the report there is a default of displaying all of your spend by Formulary vs Non-Formulary but you can customize/refine your filter to a specific order by:
Filter options:
- If you are at a Corporate Level then you will be able to see the report for all practice locations within the corporation by default.
- If you are at a Practice Level then the default display is all data from your specific practice.
- Date Range
- Search field utilizing SKU, Desc., etc.
- Select from drop-down filters to limit results
- Once you have utilized filter options click Build Report
- Download options include PDF or Excel.