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This Year (YTD)
Year to date (YTD) refers to the period beginning on the first day of the current calendar year or fiscal year up to the current date.
This Year (YTD) vs Previous (PYTD)
"This year to date" is abbreviated as "YTD," while "previous year to date" is often referred to as "PYTD," meaning you're comparing the current year's performance from the beginning of the year to the present date against the same timeframe in the previous year.
This Month (MTD)
The acronym MTD stands for "month to date". It's a financial metric that refers to the period from the beginning of the current month to the most recent date.
This Month (MTD) vs Previous (PMTD)
"This month to date" is abbreviated as "MTD" (Month To Date), while "previous month to date" is often referred to as "PMTD" (Previous Month To Date), meaning it calculates data from the beginning of the previous month until the current day of the current month.
This Quarter (QTD)
"QTD" stands for "Quarter to Date" - it refers to a period starting from the beginning of the current quarter until the current date; essentially, it means "from the start of this quarter until now.".
This Quarter (QTD) vs Previous (PQTD)
"This quarter to date" is abbreviated as "QTD" and "previous quarter to date" is usually abbreviated as "PQTD", meaning you're comparing the current quarter's performance up to the current date with the previous quarter's performance up to the same point in time within that quarter.
Last Quarter (EOQ)
The acronym for "end of quarter" is EOQ. It's used to mark the end of a three-month period in a financial calendar.
Last Quarter (EOQ) vs Previous (QoQ)
When referring to the "last quarter" compared to the "previous quarter," the acronym used is typically "QoQ" which stands for "Quarter-over-Quarter" - meaning you are comparing the current quarter to the immediately preceding quarter.