Dashboard - Overview

Dashboard - Overview

Dashboard - Overview

The purpose of the Dashboard is to give you a quick overview of your Corporate or Office location with the following Widgets: Priority, Quarterly Spend, Spend, Order Activity, Budgeting, On-Hand, and an advertisement widget for you to customize.
  1. Access to the search bar where you can search your catalogs lists for a specific product or you can click the Shop Now button in the top right to open the My Catalog page.
  2. Next to the Shop Now button is the Cart icon where you can access a list of products currently in your Cart.


Here is a brief description of the possible Widgets for you to display:

Widgets can be repositioned by drag-and-drop or selected from the drop-down menu to hide specific widgets and Save Changes.
  1. Priority

    1. This Widget displays important notifications that require more immediate action.
      1. There are 3 levels of priorities of notifications in this Widget; Urgent (red), Recommend ReOrder (Green), and General Notifications (Black)
      2. All the items on the Widget are linked to the page that needs your attention
  2. Quarterly Spend

    1. This Widget displays filtered results of your Spend in a line graph.
    2. The "Go To Report" link will take you to the Total Spend Report.
  3. Spend

    1. This Widget displays filtered results of your Spend by Reporting Group in a summary view.
    2. This Widget can be customized/filtered by the date range.
  4. Order Activity

    1. This Widget displays data in a cascading bar graph displaying the number of orders Submitted, Received, Reconciled/Closed, and Exported to Accounting.
    2. This Widget can be customized/filtered by the date range.
    3. The "Go To Report" link will take you to the Order Activity Report.
  5. Budgeting Widget

    1. This Widget displays the Spend, Budget, and Available for each active budget.
  6. On-Hand

    1. This Widget displays the dollar amount equivalent to how much inventory you are carrying currently.
    1. This Widget displays various features Clixon has available.

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