Buying options overview:
Buying Options popups allow users to see products where multiple product vendors and merged products exist.
- Multiple product vendors allows you to see options where you could buy the same product from different vendors. With our integrated vendors, real-time pricing and availability gives you additional insight.
- Merging products where you are tracking inventory will allow you to manage stock levels, lot and serial numbers, and expiry dates from one primary product rather then managing multiple products that are essentially the same.
Buying Options popup access points:
- Corporate Catalog
- My Catalog
- Carts
- Recommended
- Order Forms
- Order History/ReOrder
Multiple Product Vendors:
- Global Products: Clixon's global products where a matching manufacturer/manufacturer SKU exists and catalogs are enabled, Clixon will auto add additional product vendors.
- Current Vendor: The vendor identified as the current vendor will default to the top ranked vendor and display first unless you have manually changed the current vendor on a product or filtered to a specific vendor in the search process.
- Products with multiple product vendors will display together on the "Buying Options" popup with the current vendor defaulted with the quantity field. Utilize the "Switch" button to instantly switch vendors on that product for this order.
Merged Products:
Merging products is available from within your Corporate Catalog, merged products will cascade to all practices within your group. If you are not part of an organization merging products is available within My Catalog.
To Product Merge select a product you would like as your "Primary" product.
- On the Product Profile page go to the tab labeled: Product Merge
- Within the Product Merge tab use the search bar to merge products to your Primary product.
Merging Product Rules & Guidelines:
- Once you merge a product, the product you merged to becomes the Primary product.
- If you are within a Corporate Group the Primary product must exist at all locations. If it does not exist Clixon will force add the product to all locations.
- If you are managing OnHand inventory levels, tracking lot, serial numbers, or expiry dates, all values from Merged products will automatically transfer to the Primary product.
- If you Remove a product from a merged group you must now adjust OnHand inventory levels, tracking lot, serial numbers, or expiry dates on the primary product.
- If you are now going to be tracking any of these values on the product you removed you will need to adjust on this product as well.
- If you Inactivate the Primary product all associated products will be removed from the primary product. You must now adjust OnHand inventory levels, tracking lot, serial numbers, or expiry dates on these individual products.
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